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Whitnash Sports & Social Club

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A Club for the whole community

Junior Bowls Introductory (FREE) Session

  • 28 Jun 2022
  • 3:45 PM - 4:30 PM
  • Bowls Green


Registration is closed


Whitnash Bowls Section is pleased to announce that a
Junior Bowls Introductory (FREE) Session will be held at
Whitnash Sports and Social Club on
Tuesday 28 June 3.45pm – 4.30pm
All young people (Juniors) between the ages of 7 and 18 years of age who are
interested in learning and playing lawn bowls are warmly invited to attend.

and all other necessary equipment will be provided.

This session will be run by club bowlers: Bob Thompson & Martin Dean
A New Age fun bowls set will be available for younger siblings 5-7 years old, to use
under parent/guardian supervision.
Dress for on the Green – Casual or School Uniform. Flat soled or minimal depth
tread shoes, trainers or plimsolls.
All children under the age of 16 MUST* be registered by a Parent or
Guardian at the reception table
(by the changing rooms) when they arrive,
and remain present during the session.
*Both Bob and martin are DBS checked and have had specific safeguarding
training. As long as at least one of them is present at any given session
parents/guardians can be confident that their youngsters are as safe as can be
reasonably expected. However, it is imperative that each young person is
accompanied by their parent/guardian when registering their attendance so that in
the unlikely event of an emergency the appropriate person can be contacted and
made aware immediately.
Youngsters will not be allowed on the Green at these sessions unless their
attendance has been registered in the manner stated above.

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