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Whitnash Sports & Social Club

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A Club for the whole community

Whitnash Bowls Section Youth Academy


We are delighted to announce the setting up of the NEW Youth Academy

All those aged between 8 and 18 years old can join learn the great game of  bowls.

The new Youth Academy will aim to provide a managed safe environment for all young people in the community to learn and develop in this challenging non-contact sport in a fun way.  It will help young people develop important social skills, work as part of a team and make new friends.

Whitnash Sports and Social Club, through the Bowls Section, are committed to support and help both Bowls England and the Commonwealth Games organising team to increase junior participation in this sport.  Our Club, in agreeing to participate, should benefit from financial, equipment and advisory support and guidance.

We are at the beginning of a potentially exciting new development for young people

at our Club.

Juniors – Invitation

Anyone aged between 8 and 18 years old interested in joining the Youth Academy and playing bowls in the summer should ask their Mum or Dad to register your interest with us (see Contact Details below).  We will contact you with details of when the first  Junior Bowls introductory sessions/Open Day will be held later this year.

Parents / Members – Invitation

The Youth Academy cannot run itself.  We would like members to be involved in this new venture with us from the start.  It will help secure the long term future of our Club and develop new skills in our young people.

If you are interested in helping to set up and run the Section in a volunteer capacity we would be very interested to hear from you.  You do not necessarily need to be a Mum or Dad of a junior.  You do not need any previous experience of playing bowls or working with young people but it would, of course, be very helpful. 

Please contact either Bob Thompson or Martin Dean if you are willing to help us with this new and exciting initiative.

Contact Details -

Bob Thompson                                              Martin Dean

Phone –07484 849645                                  Phone – 07836 528958

Email -                      Email –

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