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Whitnash Sports & Social Club

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A Club for the whole community

Bowls Section

All fixtures and news is now available here

The bowls section celebrated its 60th Anniversary in 2022.
It currently has a membership of 77 members (23 Ladies and 54 men) with ages ranging from 12 years to 83 years.

In recent years the club has spent a considerable amount of money on achieving one of the best flat bowling greens in Warwickshire. As a result the club is now one of the few chosen venues for the Finals of County Competitions.

Amongst its membership the Bowls Section has a number of National and County Champions. In 2010 Club members won the County Men’s Pairs, the County Mixed Pairs and the County over 55’s Ladies Pairs. The Section has two qualified coaches and training courses are offered to all new bowlers. These coaches both hold CRB certification to work with children and young persons..

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